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Sugar Glider Questions · FAQ Entries
How do I Bond with my Sugar Glider? · The bonding process between sugar gliders and the respective owner is very important, and acquiring your sugar glider at a young age will assist with the bonding process. Bonding is not a complicated process, but it will require time on the effort of…
How do Sugar Gliders Communicate? · The main methods of communication for sugar gliders include scent and calling. Scent is the predominant way in which sugar gliders will communicate with each other, which is achieved through glands located on specific parts of their bodies. Each suga…
How large will my Sugar Glider get? · An average Sugar Gliders body is about five to six inches long, while the tail adds another six inches (which acts as a rudder while they glide through the air). They will weigh only four to five and a half ounces (80 to 160 grams) once fully mature.
How long can a Sugar Glider glide? · Sugar Gliders have a have furry, thin, stretchy, membranes (called a patagium) that extends from their fifth finger to their ankle that enables them to glide up to 50 meters (164 feet) between trees.
How should I pick up my Sugar Glider? · Pick up your sugar glider by safely and calmly placing one hand on the top of its back and chest, near its arms. Use your other hand to gently scoop from below. They may feel more secure on your shoulders or in a pocket. Eventually, as they get comfo…
What can you tell me about Sugar Glider Anatomy? · Sugar gliders are marsupials, which means the young are born very immature and grow in a pouch for 60 to 70 days on the mothers abdomen (much like a kangaroo or opossum). Sugar gliders have furry, thin, stretchy, membranes called a patagium that exte…
What cleaning needs should I be aware of for my · Sugar gliders keep themselves clean, so they don’t require water, dust, or shampoo baths, unless prescribed by your vet. All food and water dishes should be cleaned daily, and be sure to spot-clean the cage for any messes daily and fully clean the …
What Do Sugar Gliders Eat? · A sugar glider’s diet varies. As omnivores, they adjust their food choices based on climate and season. In the wild, food for sugar gliders includes pollen, insects, larva, spiders, sap, gum, plant blossoms, and nectar. It’s difficult to reproduc…
What does the reproductive cycle of a Sugar Glider look · As marsupials, Sugar Gliders have short gestation periods and carry their underdeveloped offspring in a pouch after birth. After approximately two weeks, females give birth to a pair of young, known as “joeys.” The joeys climb to the pouch and st…
What is a good temperature for my Sugar Gliders? · Don’t keep your glider in bright sunlight as they are nocturnal. Sugar gliders thrive around 75
What is a Sugar Glider? · Sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) are small, nocturnal mammals that are usually active at night and sleep during the day. Like kangaroos, they are marsupials and as such, possess a pouch in which the female sugar glider raises her young. In the wild…
What is the average lifespan of a Sugar Glider? · The lifespan of a Sugar Glider in the wild is usually around 10 to 12 years, however, Sugar Gliders can live about 12 to 15 years in captivity with proper care, making them excellent long-term companions.
What is the natural habitat of a Sugar Glider? · This species relies on forested areas where they can forage for food and glide from tree to tree. Their habitats also must have dense vegetation to protect them from predators. Some of the different habitats that they occupy include eucalyptus forest…
What kind of diet is best for my Sugar Gliders? · Despite their name, this species doesn’t only eat sugary foods, though it does have quite the sweet tooth. Sugar Gliders are omnivores, which means that they eat both plant and animal matter. Their diet varies based on the season and what foods are…
What kind of health problems should I look for with · Sugar Gliders, like other exotic pets, have a multitude of ailments that can affect them that are commonly seen such as: - Metabolic bone disease due to inappropriate nutrition - Injuries from getting stuck or from gliding - Diarrhea from eating too …
What kind of Temperament and Behavior can I expect from · Sugar Gliders are very social and need companionship, this trait makes them bond well to their owners (especially if you use a bonding pouch), but even if you can provide a lot of attention and spend the necessary time with your glider, keeping a sin…
Where did Sugar Gliders originally come from? · The Sugar Glider is native to Eastern Australia, Papua New Guinea, Tasmania, multiple surrounding islands, and parts of Indonesia. They can be found in the rain-forests gliding from tree to tree, and make their homes in tree hollows. They rarely ever…
Why are they called Sugar Gliders? · They are called Sugar Gliders because they love eating sugary things and they can be found in the rain-forests gliding from one tree to another. In the wild, sugar gliders don’t pass up an opportunity for a meal in and have been known to eat small …
Would a Sugar Glider make a good pet? · Sugar Gliders can make good pets, but you should always do your research before adding any new pet to the family. Even though they are small, Sugar Gliders need plenty of room to climb and explore. Though they are about the same size and a hamster, t…
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