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How do I Bond with my Sugar Glider?

The bonding process between sugar gliders and the respective owner is very important, and acquiring your sugar glider at a young age will assist with the bonding process.

Bonding is not a complicated process, but it will require time on the effort of the owner, it is often achieved by allowing the sugar glider to establish close physical contact which is usually done by allowing the sugar glider to remain close for extended periods of time through the use of bonding pouches that can be attached to the owners clothing, or by simply letting the sugar glider hitch a ride in a shirt pocket.

Increased and steady personal contact will ensure that the sugar glider and the owner form a close bond, once a bond has been forged sugar gliders are very affectionate and loyal and remain deeply bonded to their owner; your home will become their home, and sugar gliders will show they are at ease with their willingness to play, cuddle and interact.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on January 4th, 2024
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