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What does the reproductive cycle of a Sugar Glider look like?

As marsupials, Sugar Gliders have short gestation periods and carry their underdeveloped offspring in a pouch after birth. After approximately two weeks, females give birth to a pair of young, known as “joeys.” The joeys climb to the pouch and stay there until they are about two months old. At around three months old they become independent.

A joey is usually ready to leave the pouch within a week’s time when the feet, tail and/or legs are hanging out of the pouch. Male sugar gliders reach maturity at about nine to ten months. Females follow in maturity a little time afterwards.

In general, sugar gliders can reach sexual maturity in as little as 4 months old. The male sugar gliders have forked genitalia, and the females have scent glands located next to their genitalia which assist with the mating process. Generally, female sugar gliders can have up to four offspring at a time.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on January 4th, 2024
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