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Here is a list of vets who will happily do a phone consultation with any vet.
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Vets who offer Phone Consults to vets · Directory Entries
Belton Animal Clinic & Exotic Care Center · Welcome to Belton Animal Clinic & Exotic Care Center where we understand how much you care about your pets. Whether your pet is a dog named Sparky, a cat named Muffin or an iguana named Izzy, we strive to keep him or her healthy and comfortable with …
Canton Center Animal Hospital · They have 2 vets that specialize in gliders.
Creature Comforts Animal Hospital · ALL PETS, ALL BETTER : Providing excellent comprehensive medical and surgical services for pets of all shapes and sizes! Providing Quality Care to all Cats, Dogs, Birds, Rabbits, Ferrets, Other Small Mammals as well as Reptiles and Amphibians. To us,…
Mandel Veterinary Hospital · As of 08/05/2015 it was reported they no longer see Sugar Gliders. Dr. Kristen West -and- Dr. William Mandel
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