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Here you will find a list of known Mill Breeders. Please use caution when dealing with these breeders.
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Sugar Glider Mill Breeders and or Brokers · Directory Entries
Even Keel Exotics · Sells all exotic animals from sugar gliders to hedgehogs, foxes, Patagonian cavies, reptiles, puppies, etc. Local owned USDA licensed breeder/broker ran from a barn.
Glider Stork · Mill Breeder - Pretty much a clone of Pocket Pets, suggesting the same tiny cage, pellet diet, bond with your cat, etc. It goes on and on, the only difference is that they SHIP. They also reference the ASGV heavily and even link to them.
Helen's Little Critters · Is a known mill breeder. San Antonio, Texas Phone (210) 256-8394
Sugargliders r us · Sugar Gliders R Us is a known Mill Breeder. Sugar Glider breeder and retailer of sugar glider supplies and accessories
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