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Triple Treat Forager - Durable Fun Hanging Treat Foraging Cage Accessory Toy

Triple Treat Forager - Durable Fun Hanging Treat Foraging Cage Accessory Toy
Exotic Nutrition's Triple Treat Forager is three times the fun as other foraging toys. These three clear cups can hold dried fruit, insects, yogurt drops or any other treat.

MEASUREMENTS: Approximately 20" tall (including chain) x 3" wide.


Purchase Link: Click Here
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Posted By Gremelin Posted on January 4th, 2024
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BKW: Our gliders love foraging for snacks and food in this! You do have to be careful when adding thing to it so you don’t spill anything but it def adds some activity for your critters rather than just simply eating from a dish

Tiffanie: This product was good, it gave our sugar gliders something to do to get to their treats.


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