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Glider Color Vartiations · Article

Classic Grey: Medium to dark grey with a black stripe, black markings, a white underbelly, and black on their fingers/toes often near the tips or over the knuckles
Black Beauty: A Classic Grey glider with thicker and more pronounced black markings. Thick circles (eyeliner) around the eyes. Ears all black and more dark than a regular glider. Have a “chin strap” often completely meeting almost all of the way around instead of stopping just behind the ears as a Classic Grey. A grey underbelly and very dark knuckles.

Leucistic: A glider with a white coat and black eyes. They are also referred to as a BEW or Black Eyed White. Both parents need to carry the Leucistic gene to create Leucistic offspring. Leucistic is a recessive gene.

Leu Het: A Leu Het looks like a Classic Grey glider but carries the Leucistic gene. The higher % Leu Het they carry the higher the chance they can produce Leucistic offspring.

Albino: A glider with a white coat and red eyes. Also referred to as a T-albino. Albino is a recessive gene and needs to be present in both parents to produce Albino offspring.

Albino Het: An Albino Het looks like a Classic Grey glider but carries the Albino gene. The higher % Albino Het they carry the higher chance they can produce Albino offspring.

Brown Beauty: A glider with more of a brown coat that will display brown or black markings.

Buttercream: A glider with more of a golden beige coat that will display cream and/or yellow highlights with brown to red markings.

Cinnamon: A glider with more of a reddish coat displaying red and/or brown markings.

Lion: A golden honey color coat displaying deep red markings.

White Faced and White Faced Blonde: WF and WFB may have a whiter face than that of Classic Grey gliders and the black ear bar will not be visible below the gliders ears.They may also carry a lighter colored coat. WF is a dominant gene and only one parent needs to carry the gene to have WF or WFB offspring. Any color can be a WF or WFB.

White Tip and WT Het: The glider will have a tip of its tail that is white. It can vary from a few hairs to a few inches. A glider can also be a WT Het meaning that it has WT in its lineage and although does not display the WT itself, it may produce WT offspring.

Mosaic: A grey and white glider that will display random patches of grey and white throughout their body, tail, and feet. There can be ring-tail mosaics, mosaics with white tails, white mosaics, platinum colored mosaics, wf mosaics, etc. They are also called white variation. Mosaic is a dominant gene and only one parent needs to carry this gene in order to produce mosaic offspring. Every mosaic glider is unique in the varied coloring it has.

Creamino: A glider that has a cream coloring, faint stripe, and garnet colored eyes. Also known as a T + Albino. Creamino is a recessive gene and needs to be present in both parents to produce Creamino offspring.

Creamino Het: A Creamino Het looks like a Classic Grey glider but carries the Creamino gene. The higher % Creamino Het they carry the higher chance they will produce Creamino offspring.

Platinum/Platinum Champagnes: Platinums are a newer color. They have a very silvery light grey coat with faint markings and a thinner dorsal stripe. Platinum is a recessive gene and works very similarly to the Leucistic gene.

Platinum Het: A Platinum Het looks like a Classic Grey glider but carries the Platinum gene. The higher % Platinum they carry the higher chance they will produce Platinum offspring.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on January 2nd, 2024
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